We hope that this information is helpful. If you have any questions that are not addressed below, please contact us.
Subscription Questions
Change of Address - Expiration/Renewal - Back Issues - Late/Missing Issue - Privacy
Publication Questions
About Us - Sponsorships - Link To Us - Letters To The Editor
Submission Guidelines - Queries - Photographers - Models - Illustrators
Distribution Questions
Subscription Questions
Important Announcement Persuant to the sale of Girlfriends and On Our Backs magazines, all active, paid subscriptions to Girlfriends and/or On Our Backs as of April 2006 were assumed by the national lesbian magazine Velvetpark. For more information about this transaction, please visit http://www.velvetparkmagazine.com/unofficial_release.html.
For more information about Velvetpark, please visit http://www.velvetparkmagazine.com
Change of Address
I have a change of address. How do I update my info?
For active, paid subscribers as of April 2006, please email your change of address to (subject 'Change of Address'). Please provide the name on your subscription, the old address, and the new address.
Note: The US Postal Service does not forward periodicals, so please notify us of the change of address in advance of your move so you don't miss a single issue. Thanks.
How can I make sure I'm notified when Girlfriends and On Our Backs relaunch online?
Subscribe to our free email newsletter (the sign-up is in the tool box to the left on this page) to receive free notices about Girlfriends and On Our Backs. We do not rent out the addresses on our email newsletter list.
Back Issues
Back Issues are available for both Girlfriends and On Our Backs. If you would like to place an order for back issue(s), please email us at . We have most issues of Girlfriends, 1994 - 2006, and On Our Backs 1998 - 2006.
Please note that availability varies depending on the issue and customer demand. Prices will vary.
Late/Missing Issue
What if an issue does not arrive?
All active, paid subscriptions to Girlfriends and/or On Our Backs as of April 2006 were assumed by the national lesbian magazine Velvetpark. For more information about this transaction, please visit http://www.velvetparkmagazine.com/unofficial_release.html. If you are a paid, active subscriber and have not received an issue since the March 2006 issue of Girlfriends and the Spring issue of On OUr Backs, please contact .
For more information about Velvetpark, please visit http://www.velvetparkmagazine.com
Will my magazines be mailed discreetly?
Yes! We respect your privacy, all Girlfriends, On Our Backs, and Velvetpark products are mailed in a completely opaque envelope.
Publication Questions
Link To Us
Even after nearly 13 years of publishing Girlfriends is still unknown by many lesbians (and those who love them). Well, it's up to you all to spread the word. Link to us, tell your friends about us, and include us in your email blasts. Most importantly subscribe to Girlfriends. The only way for us to keep going is for you to keep reading. Thanks for your support.
Help spread the word by linking to us from your website. Just copy and paste the code below into your site.
Letters To The Editor
Here at Girlfriends magazine we are always interested in hearing from our readers. We want to know what you think of our magazine, interviews, photo spreads, editorial coverage, and the world around us. Let us know if we hit the target or missed miserably; your opinions and feedback help us know if we're doing it right or not. So let us know, and drop us a line. Please remember to include your name, a city, & state of origin, and a way for us to contact you in case we decide to print your opinion in our next issue.
Please send all letters to the editor:
attn: Letter to the Editor
snail mail: 3181 Mission St., PMB 30, San Francisco, CA 94110
Submission Questions
Submission Guidelines
Girlfriends is a national monthly magazine for lesbians. Our mission is to provide entertaining, visually pleasing coverage of culture, politics, and entertainment from an informed and critical lesbian perspective.
Potential contributors are encouraged to query the editor. Please email samples of your published work, along with a cover letter indicating your areas of interest and any specific story ideas you want to pitch.
Contact: Editor, Girlfriends Magazine, 3181 Mission St., PMB 30, San Francisco, CA 94110. Email:
We strongly discourage unsolicited fiction and no longer accept poetry. Please study the magazine¹s style before sending queries. The standard rate for all written contributions is 15 cents per word. All first time work is done on spec, which means we only pay for it if we decide to use it.
Queries and submissions areas
Feature-length articles: 2500-3500 words. In-depth Investigative features or lifestyle stories which explore an area of interest to our readers. Topics should be directly related to lesbian culture, politics, or entertainment.
Celebrity Interviews: © words. Interview with a celebrity or well-known public figure, usually in Q&A format, covers topics of relevance to our lesbian readers.
Travel: 700 words. Travel piece focuses on a tourist destination, urban or rural, and includes advice and information appropriate for lesbian travelers.
Humor: 600 words. Comic look at lesbian culture or relationships, or mainstream culture from a lesbian perspective. Not a personal essay. Must be a bit wild.
Book Review: 950 words. In-depth critical analysis of one or two recent lesbian releases discusses the titles in the context of the authors previous work and/or lesbian literature.
We have regular reviewers in the following departments but occasionally publish guest reviews:
Music Review: 550 words. A critical review of one or two recent albums. We cover lesbian musicians and provide cultural analysis of mainstream artists.
Film Review: 650 words. Review covers one recent mainstream or gay/lesbian film, providing critical analysis and looking for queer subtext.
Video Review: 700 words. Review focuses on one recent release, discussing other videos of a similar genre.
We accept submissions from freelance photographers. Photographers are responsible for submitting a model release for any woman in a photograph who is recognizable.
Fashion: Four pages of color photographs with a fashion or fine art slant. We encourage photographers to submit work they have already done. Please include model releases and information about any clothing shown.
Stock Photos: Photographers may also submit to our b/w and color stock library. We are always looking for good quality photos of women to illustrate articles and features, and are seeking regional photography for travel. Photo payments for single photos are $30-50. The photographer retains all rights to a photo until Girlfriends sends you a contract.
Event Coverage: We are looking for photographers to cover lesbian events. Please query the art department with samples of your work.
Please contact:
We welcome women over 18 of all ethnic backgrounds and body types to model for Girlfriends magazine.
Fashion: If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, please send a cover letter and at least one full-body photo of yourself. Outside the San Francisco bay area, please let us know if you know any professional photographers in your area. If we do a spread appropriate for you, we will contact you and assist you and your photographer in any way we can.
Girlfriend of the Month: If you are interested in being Girlfriend of the Month, please send at least one color photo of yourself, along with a short biography, attn: Girlfriend of the Month.
Please contact:
Girlfriends magazine encourages freelance illustration submissions.
Feature Illustrations: Color illustrations to accompany feature articles.
Illustrators interested in contributing to Girlfriends should send copies of their work attn: Art Director. Do not send original artwork.
Please allow six to eight weeks for a response to unsolicited submissions. We cannot return unsolicited material unless it is accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Please contact:
Where can I purchase a copy of Girlfriends?
Purchase a copy of Girlfriends at:
Most gay and lesbian bookstores nationwide
Borders Bookstores nationwide
Barnes and Noble locations nationwide
Tower Records and Tower Books locations nationwide
Virgin Megastore locations nationwide
Many major newsstands nationwide
If a particular location doesn't carry us, just ask them. Or if you prefer,
let us know at .
Girlfriends is distributed nationwide by Disticor. If you would like to
carry Girlfriends, please contact Dave Kasza at: Manager, Wholesaler Client Services.